Pot or Top

Pot or Top. Design for a living table
Patented by : Angelo Grasso and Paolo Fisicaro
Designer: Angelo Grasso
Landscaper designer: Paolo Fisicaro

Design is alive. 
It is not just a top or pot. It can easily become a domestic landscape.

Smart as you, with two legs more. 

The evolution towards the upright posture. 
Pot or top is available as coffie table: 65x60x40 cm, 99x60x40 cm, 
129x60x40 cm. As a multifunctional table: 99x80x80 cm, 129x80x80 
cm, 129x120x80.  And as a bookshelf: 39x20x125 cm.

A table to never sit down, mentally. 

Public or private. Vertical or horizontal. Odd or functional. 
The choice of buying it, won’t be the only one you’ll have to make.

Designers: Angelo Grasso & Paolo Fisicaro

Pot or Top is a patented design. For informations and brochures please feel free to contact agrasso@me.com